Core Values

Life-Long Learning
Learning is a continuous, life-long process of involving, instructing, motivating, and changing lives for the betterment of health and well-being.
Diversity is the recognition and inclusion of human variation in the education and care of individuals, families, communities, and nations. And the acknowledgment that as a people we can learn of each other.
Advocacy includes actions for health policies, programs, and practices to secure the highest level of care, education, and research necessary for societal health and well-being.
Communities become empowered as people emerge as individuals, develop the knowledge, attitudes, skills, and other resources they need to determine their own learning and health care needs, assume a primary role in their learning and health care activities, while building upon their individual capacities and experiences.
Collaboration involves effective teamwork and relationships based on trust, respect, shared resources, a commitment to mutual goals, and mutual satisfaction, as people become more accommodating of each other.
Scholarship is the discovery, translation, application, integration, and transmission of knowledge which contributes to the development of the human character.
Service is a commitment to take information that is difficult to understand and make it beneficial to others.Caring Caring is thinking less of ourselves and more of others
Equity is the state, action, and principle of treating all persons in a just and unbiased manner.
Creativity requires an innovative and futuristic perspective, an openness to change, and continuous personal development in order to respond to the dynamic and fluid nature of the people we serve.`
Professional leadership is active participation and progressive responsibility in organizational activities related to team development, health care, or education.
Integrity refers to the quality of being honest and ethical and having the moral strength to do the right thing.